05:31:28 Why is @Tfmonkey banned from YT/X for promoting taking away women's rights, when JQ people aren't? It's a good question. Does this mean the Cathedral is run by women after all? Well, no.

Now I don't keep track of who gets banned from where, but I know the only two JQ channels I follow, got banned from YT: "The Red Elephants" and "Know more News".

However, they have X accounts. I heard about a "Lucas Gage", who''s banned from X, but I don't know the specifics.

So what's going on?

@Based_Accelerationist Your guess is as good as mine. I'm guessing that women's rights is the foundation of Jewish power in a democracy. They're only 2% of the population after all. Without women, they wouldn't win any elections.


@Tfmonkey @Based_Accelerationist
Let's never forget the main reason empowering women is the corner stone of jewish belief for the goyim: it is THE solution to lowering birth rates.
Depopulation of their enemies (white gentiles) is one of their main objectives.

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