South Korea bans porn. Look it up to see how well their feminism and fertility problem is going.

@Zeb @Pain66 @DoubleD @Mommy @Mongoliaboo

Nuanced take.

I can admit that porn is a social weapon and there are documented cases where nation states have deployed it to break morale and weaken families (Israel to Palestine is the obvious one).

I can also admit that an excess of porn, like all pleasures, can be damaging to men, and boys in particular.

Banning it? I'm undecided.

There should be SOME laws, even though ultimately this battle can only be fought by every individual.

@Zeb @Pain66 @DoubleD @Mommy @Mongoliaboo

And when I say SOME laws, I don't want a society that allows necrophilia, bestiality and incest.

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