dystopian futurism from the 80s led me to believe that "punks' would be a much bigger problem than they turned out to be.

Or perhaps the "punks" were just trannies the entire time, and we didn't realize it at the time. You be the judge:

@Tfmonkey The “Punk Scene” was mainly the thespian kids from school hanging out with the homeless runaway kids or “gutter punks”,as with everything Zionist elements tried to subvert and infiltrate the culture because everything must be controlled and monetized so something that was rebellious became fake and Gaey


@Scubbie @Tfmonkey
Never forget the poster "youth" rebel of TV from the breakfast club, Judd Nelson, is an Ashkenazi Jew.

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@Zeb @Tfmonkey Got arrested once putting an elbow to a communist punk in the pit,the cop asked me why I would beat on the poor student instead of fighting ghetto blacks,I said that’s your fucking job but you would rather harass me

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