
For once I agree with the jew agenda. There isn't enough feminism in India, we must crush their fertility rate (today its 2). Good job goyim

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@Zeb They are really in need of a good genocide/ethnic cleansing. Looking at you, China

@Mike_Microwave @Zeb India needs to be gone and China needs new political system


Increase in minimum age of marriage for women to 21 years two years after Bill is notified: Centre
The move would provide ample time for citizens to prepare for this momentous reform, government adds
March 15, 2023 07:41 pm | Updated March 16, 2023 09:07 am IST - New Delhi


If raising the legal age of marriage lowers the population growth rate then would lowering the legal age of marriage increase the population growth rate

Yes, women have moreover their lifetime kids if they start early. As a rule, everything that removes women's "rights" will improve the birty rate.

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