@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat Is ((( PUTIN ))) any different from ((( TRUMP)))

No fault divorce
child support
Civic nationalism
No free speech
No self defense
Central banks
overseas manfactoring
wars for israel

@charliebrownau @mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic I support BRICS because the United States government is a bigger threat to my freedom than BRICS.

I support Palestine because Jews are a bigger threat to my freedom than Muslims.

When these circumstances change, my support will change, and they likely will.

To stay free requires constant vigilance and a willingness to turn on former allies when they get too powerful and start having stupid ideas.

@Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic Its still the same thing

Brics + Belt Road + Israel 2.0

will be thrown under the bus

Russia will replace USA for the 'super power'
Ukraine will be the new HQ for Jews
Ukraine and Russia will be the new food/farming production
China will take a hit, then rebound, after a war/nationalistic rebirth

Christianity and islam has outlived its usefullness

Brazil + South Africa will be propped up
as will India

Jews are alien parasites which came to our realm
in the 1500s

Jews are behind it all
Every single time

Real Freedom hasnt been attempted yet in this reset time period

National statism was created to control the tax cattle

Christianity and islam were re written after the last realm reset

Christianity was created by Jews to undermine White Ethnic Nationalism and gatekeep Tartarian Empire and gatekeep White History and history of the realm
along with Tartarian tech/knowledge

The ONLY solution I see is

Self Souverinity
Self Goverence
De centralised Local patroracy
Ethnic Nationalism
Ethnic Protectism
Self Suffency
Self Reliancy
Self Defense
Truth, Fairness and hardwood

It will make MORE sense TFM/MGTOW
once you lot are finally willing to look into

JQ Pill
Ethnic Nationalism


Tartarian Pill
- FE + AE Map
- Tartarian Empire
- Mudflood Reset
- Old World Buildings
- Free Energy (Aether)
- Old world knowledge/tech
- Foot grounding
- Black Sun
- Electroculture gardening

without the Tartarian PILL your missing the whole picuture

Tartarian pill also explains
National Statism
12 Month Calendar Cycle
Creation of Police
Creation of depictions such as Dinosaurs, Gravity , Evolution, came from south Africa , came from apes

@charliebrownau @mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic
Lol if anyone believes Brazil, India(!!!) and worse, South Africa, can be propped up to any degree of competence required to maintain current society. Lmao even.
Leaving important duties to them would be the true great reset.

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@Zeb @mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic This is why they are pushing ahead at WARP SPEED


@charliebrownau @mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic
I agree. They have this religious blind faith that machines can replace all humans and they get to live freely off them. The perfect goyim.

Which proves not only that they don't understand how computers work but also that all 4 items only make their problems worse in reality as you need even smarter and more highly-specialized humans to program, maintain and operate these machines...let alone the rare few who can improve them.

@Zeb @mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic Total Society Collapse
must take place
for the tax cattle to FINALLY
reject Statism
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