Eastern Europeans who hate Russia and Sunni Muslims who hate Iran and fight fore and cheer on the Jewish run Western Empire are like the black tribes of Africa that sold other blacks into slavery for gunpowder only to be enslaved themselves at a later date.

I get that weak men create hard times and all, but do you realize you're cheering for your own enslavement?

@Tfmonkey The Africans that sold other Africans to the Jewish slave traders for a shiny mirror or tobacco or for gun powder,would have enslaved the weaker tribes or slaughtered them anyways for territory or pussy,The resourcefulness of the Jew to manipulate strong men by offering them whatever they desire has been the downfall of many a nation of strong men,controlling the trade of commodities and then implementing a Usury monatery system that gives them the unfair advantage over time


@Scubbie @Tfmonkey Strong men can always take their money and send them back to Palestine, where they say they belong.

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