Communism is better, there nothing belongs to anyone. As a plus, it has a successful track record.
@UncleIroh @Justicar It's the same as the west, slavery to women is the default.
I would argue that in the west is worse because it forces all men to pay and be responsible for all women's welfare, either you getting something or not.
The only winning move is not to play. All this system is a test, to force men that aren't npcs to wake up and forge their own path. Funny how life truly is a constant war, you being aware or not.
All sanctuary cities are shitholes, maybe you could get the haitian deal to get sent to a small town.
@dwarvenallfather Or you can just walk over and demand a hotel in Chicago.
@dwarvenallfather Diversity is female.
Then it's based, warhammer ftw.
He still hasn't figured out sex dolls and waifu. Poor dude
Careful Assad, Putin will arrest you if you say that again.
@MuhDindu Yes, Germany did the Niggercaust, where they drowned 6 slavillion dindunuffins during the watermelon ceremony.
The rape ring trafficked children TO the media.
Impale the jews