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I agree that's where civilization really started going downhill with each successive generation. Now where did all this feminism come from?
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@Justicar it's quite simple. Women were given rights and they crashed the birth rates and voted for welfare. The welfare state needs workers which requires immigration since no one is having babies.

Giving women rights is why the West is collapsing. Taking them away is the only solution.

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They're notoriously slow learners but once they catch on to something for real, hoo boy.
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To whoever needs to hear this:

Don't fish in the Rubicon. If you're not prepared to go all the way, don't do shit.

If you have too much to lose to risk it, even if you're upset and want to "do something", don't do shit.

Ask yourself how far you're willing to go, and if the answer isn't "all the way", then don't do shit.

Have a nice day.

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Zeb boosted

Something from German history

If the Jewish newspapers think they can intimidate us

with their hidden threats

they'd better watch out!

Our patience has it's limits

One day, we'll shut their dirty, lying Jewish mouths!

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.