Jews seem to be where I argue with people I agree with, defending people I hate (SBF).

My thesis is simply this: Send all jews to mars and our society still dies. Remove communism, welfare and women's rights and our society is saved.

I don't know how I came across as trying to sanitize jews? I want SBF in jail just as much as you do

So far you're the ONLY person who has given me a real response other than ad hominem. So I just assumed they were sore losers looking for a scapegoat.

@basedbagel If you cut welfare and shot the rioters, there would be a disproportionate amount of black people among the dead. However the problem is welfare, not black people.

If you impaled all the communists, there would be a disproportionate amount of jews among the dead. However, the problem is communism, not jews.

Some see no difference between the two, but it makes all the difference.


@Tfmonkey Hold up shoot the rioters!? What happened to letting nature take its course? you are one cutthroat chimp! Think about the chillrens!😂

But in all seriousness, that's exactly what I was trying to say. I agree it makes a difference because you have to attack problems at the root.
(Though I can't be too sure because I couldn't find a peer-reviewed study to back it up.)

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