
@[email protected] @Tfmonkey

At least with commies I 100% disagree but with you all I have to have the same argument ad nauseam like we don't AGREE ON MOST THINGS.

You have no idea how frustrating this shit is! How you can CLEARLY see ALL other ills in society but ignore this is beyond me.

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@basedbagel @[email protected] Honestly it isn't really worth arguing about. There isn't going to be a race war, but the cities will become killing fields when the hyperinflation occurs. That, or the government will go full CCP and cull the criminals themselves.

All roads lead to the same outcome more or less. The sins of "equality" will be burned away one way or another.

@Tfmonkey @basedbagel @spiritsplice You're partly correct. The race war is already here, it's not low intensity, like the Troubles

@Tfmonkey @[email protected]

Good point. That's what I get for breaking my own golden rule:

Thankfully all this nonsense ends soon.

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