@basedbagel as for work and education, I'd advocate that they should be allowed to do both.
but with college, they are only allowed to go to women only colleges, and discouraged from attaining higher education (they have to meet a much higher standard). Though, honestly, most people shouldn't be going to college.
Academia should be reserved for those who think objectively.
Also when women go to school they think they are better than men who don't and then they don't have kids. And then we're back at square 1.
Can small minority of women handle it? Yes, but it's not worth risking demographic collapse IMO
@basedbagel that's why it should be discouraged. made difficult to accomplish and have high standards for doing so.
Academia should be reserved for those who are qualified, which most people, men or women, are not. the problem is lax standards and the government guaranteeing college for all.
most people should not be attending college. if a woman can pay her own way and has enough merit, then she should be allowed.
Big Government is a direct cause of female empowerment. They have a BIOLOGICAL imperative to be taken care of.
Your views make sense in principle. The problem is women don't understand/care about principle and they degrade the quality of any institution they inhabit.
This is pure survival, If you send a critical mass of women to school, kiss your birthrate goodbye.
@basedbagel big government is a direct result of female voting. if women cannot vote, then it doesn't matter.
and again, it'd be minimal women only in fields approved for women
We tried that, the women will just cry segregation and play the victim to get in boys schools.
Then they will distract the men, degrade the intuition and not have kids and we're SCREWED!
@basedbagel if women crying is enough, then your whole plan falls apart anyway. if you take away women's votes, then that's all there is to it
I disagree. Women can cry all they want but if men just SAY NO than we're all good.😎
Taking the vote is just the 1st step so we can fix everything.
Our birthrates are DOGSHIT because women are in college, frolicking around the world wasting time.
you just disagreed with yourself. you say that women will cry to get in boys' schools, but then men can just say no.
our birthrates are dogshit because women don't need men. why don't women need men? because of college? no. it's because of wellfare. so many women are in college also because of wellfare.
without wellfare, women couldn't afford to go to college, and even if they did, they couldn't support themselves afterwards.
I didn't disagree with myself.
There are more than 1 cause for a problem.
Welfare is the biggest problem but it's not the only one. Women being able to go to college and provide for themselves without a man WILL NOT GET MARRIED OR HAVE KIDS.
Then we are fucked because someone will have to take care of these women when they get older.
Women lack the foresight/fiscal responsibility for long term thinking like retirement.
women voting is the only real problem. this leads to welfare, welfare leads to all the problems.
most women cannot provide for themselves, even with college. they are heavily supported by welfare. welfare also gives them a free ride to go to college. without welfare, very few women will be able to attend college. very vew women will not get married or have kids.
and no, no one has to take care of them, that's called welfare, and charities can take care of that anyway.
You say voting is the only problem, but I say it's just the tip of the iceberg.
NO WOMAN can provide for himself without indirect/direct support from a man. Live with a woman and you will quickly find this out.
They can't maintain things like cars/houses alone when they are older and will cry for someone to take care of them.
Women MUST be taken care of. This is the way the world is.
The exception proves the rule. Just because a few autistic lesbians can go to college does not justify the risk of opening the floodgates to demographic collapse.
What do you think will happen when women see other women living freely w/o a man while they are dependent.
Your ideas are sound but fail to take human nature into account.