My story: 5 years ago I was on a livestream when a tech youtuber shouts out a channel called alpha male strategies.

He had a video called why I'm against the MGTOW movement.

I still remember how funny it was.

"Silly men, must be sore losers giving up on women I thought." - I thought

Then I discovered the concept of steelmanning that changed my life.

Steelmanning is when you address the strongest form of their argument whether they made it or not. The opposite of a strawman.


I kept trying to debunk MGTOW philosophy but couldn't.

This shocked me as I thought it wouldb be easy to prove MGTOW ideology wrong.

THEN I looked into the laws and was shocked at how unfair it was.

Keep in mind I was still a democrat at the time but I couldn't help but notice something.

ZERO democrats kept it real when it came to women. Only conservatives that gave me good advice with women.

I brushed it off at 1st but the thought kept gnawing at my mind so I had to investigate


To begin my investigation I bought 3 books on conservatives ideas and my mind was blown.

My whole life I was told conservatives were greedy racists devoid of empathy.

But in the books I was reading they talked about personal responsibility, doing what's good for society and none of it said anything about oppressing anyone.

Now I'm angry.

Fast forward I found this video in my MGTOW binge called she'll never love you.

The video broke my brain.


All of the sacrifices I made for women meant nothing to them. The memories I had that lived only in my head.

I had been lied to by everyone I had ever loved or trusted. Rage ensued.

I despised every woman for deceiving me and I was also angry at myself for not noticing this any sooner.

Of course my next question was, what else was I lied to about?

Fast forward Now I'm in college watching these people take GOV grant money and WASTE it on BULLSHIT.

And my politics do a complete 180


I went from a bernie leftie to the right.

1. The complete incompetence and laziness of poor people.

2.The rampant promiscuity of women at my school

3 NOONE acknowledging 1 or 2.

It red pilled me hard and fast.

Once again I was angry at the world for not telling me.

As luck would have it I got to travel to a country where women didn't have rights.



In this country everone was kind and noone was fat.

I even got my 1st girlfriend and I was loving life.

Keep in mind I was the happiest I ever was with NO modern amenities like consistent power or wifi.

When I 1st heard heard TFM say TWRA everything just clicked.

People, ESPECIALLLY WOMEN are as SHITTY as society allows to be.

From then on I felt like I was part of a secret society.

I was excited to spread the word at 1st but I lost friends and soon learned STFU about RP.


Fast forward a couple years later and I'm out of school making more $$ than i ever had women-free.

I have my 2nd passport and I'm trying my best to GTFO America before it collapses.

if it wasn't for this VAX bullshit I'd already be out of here but it is what it is.



Thank you for reading my story @37712

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@basedbagel @37712 thanks for sharing brother . always love seeing your posts . became more active recently thanks to man like you or should i say masculine presenting trans women.

i started with pua then tom leykis , then brifaults law. have you seen that ? i thnk i first saw it on reddit. that lreally broke me i never recovered. reality was never the same.

@dander @37712

Thank you that means alot! I'm glad to hear it as I'm really loving the crowd that's coming here

I absolutely did Tom Leykis is an OG! Once you see it you can never unsee it.

And I wouldn't have it any other way

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