
I know I'm late to the party but I just used CHAT-GPT to make me automation scripts and when I saw the result I was like:

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@basedbagel HAHAHAHA I just told ChatGPshiT to make me code for a google chrome extension that would autorefresh specifric tabs on my web browser and it did not only do the write the code but it also told me how to make it in to a extension and add it to google chrome

@basedbagel also what do you mean by animation scripts and what are they used for?


I had a few scripts to run to do repetitive tasks that I do often like

Automate backups
Delete old filed
Open programs

@basedbagel so can this animation srips do things like open maniputalte the mouse on your computer to open a program and click to do stuff??, could you give me a picture example of the code?

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