Hey @Tfmonkey remember when you said when dealing with normies at work to show them your neck and be self-deprecating so they don't envy you?

Well it hurt my ego but worked like like CHARM and I got and award AND a raise thank you so much!

@basedbagel It helps if you put yourself in a "role" like how Bruce Wayne has to play the role of a billionaire playboy in order to throw off suspicion that he's Batman.

If someone makes fun of him or thinks they're better than him, good. It's just a role Batman has to play to interact with the world.

@Tfmonkey @basedbagel @Tfmonkey @basedbagel it is ultimately an ego thing. For example, back in 2020 there are those who said they'd never wear a mask. Okay, cool.

I had a different mindset. I wore one among normies for the same reason that Agent 47 wears costumes: to not draw attention. Life is smoother when the zombies think you're one of them.

@southpole21 @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

No It's called Machiavellianism.

I understand your apprehension as I felt the same way at first but trust me this shit WORKS.

I've never had a workplace where people weren't constantly undermining me until now

Like it or not we're behind enemy lines so you have to ghost in plane sight or they'll ruin your life.

Life is hard enough as a man why make it any harder?

You should try it especially if you're a high bell curve guy, after all it's no risk.

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@basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey I agree with you. I was just trying to make a joke.

I call it "multiple personality order" because it's logical and works, as opposed to "multiple personality DISorder" which means you're schizophrenic and can't function.

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