@Tfmonkey Why do you tell men in blue states to live in vans when you live in a blue state but don't follow your own advice? It's a simple question. But you're afraid of owning up to your obvious hypocrisy. Same with how you spend 80% of your time talking about money and analyzing markets, but won't admit that money is the single most important thing in life. The double think and cognitive dissonance is astounding, and makes NPC normies look red pilled in comparison.

@VanGuy @Tfmonkey

It seems like you heard what you wanted to hear.

TFM has the Monkey's market minute to show us how to make money because it's IMPORTANT.

He also doesn't live in a van because as he's said many times: PLANS CHANGE.

Plan 1: He wanted to go to Singapore, but didn't have the time

Plan 2: Wanted to go to Alaska,

Current plan: Buy a house in Florida as soon as the market crashes.

He said live in a van is an OPTION, but to work your plan as he is working his own.

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey No, TFM just won't admit that he's a hypocrite. If he believed in what he was saying, he would live in a van so if things go bad he wouldn't be tied to his house. But he's just a run of the mill Jew who wears those little hats. He loves his money too much and pleasures himself to it. That's why it's easier to tell other people to live in vans but not do it himself.


@VanGuy @Tfmonkey

TFM is not a hypocrite.

You have poor reading comprehension.

TFM provided van life as an ALTERNATIVE because people ASKED him to.

His personal plans \= his recommendation to his fans.

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@basedbagel @Tfmonkey Why do you kiss TFM's penis so much? What does your boyfriend think of that?

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