Here's a tip for making your experience flying in an airplane more comfortable: just wear sweatpants for the trip.

This was something I never thought up myself, but I saw a co-worker on a business trip doing this, and I realized the genius of it. Who are you trying to impress when you are flying? The pilot? The stewardesses? Your fellow passengers? That attractive woman you saw during a layover who was going to a different destination?

Wearing something comfortable just makes things easier.


@houseoftolstoy Right on but why stop an the airport?

I bought some 95% cotton jeans that look like denim but feel like sweatpants and I never looked back.

Being uncomfortable to make a fashion statement is for the birds.

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@basedbagel That is fine too. I find that I do not mind wearing jeans when I am going about driving from place to place or doing most other things. It is flying where I hate it, because you are constantly going through all sorts of things like security, fiddling with your luggage, sitting in an uncomfortable seat during the flight.

It is just one thing that helps offset all the other discomforts.

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