I see alot of people saying that women win in the short term but lose in the long term.

This is just not true. I know PLENTY of women 30-45 who finesse men and are still living the dream.

@basedbagel Finally, someone said it.
There are women in their 50's and beyond who still can win sex, relationships and well paying, cushy jobs. They can still manipulate men with expert level strategy and tactics. They do this better than MOST men in their Prime years.

Thank you! @sardonicsmile someone who actually goes outside.

All these bitches crying online are just crying for attention.

i hate to admit it but women NEVER lose.

I know a girl who ran up 150K+ in student loans and paid it off via hoeing. She now lives better than me who finished UNI...

The ONLY time women "lose" is if they wait too long to have a kid. In which case they can just adopt one.

Society is setup for women to never lose. Because if the do we go extinct.

@basedbagel I hear these podcasts from these PUA's and blue-pill types claiming that we just have to keep on our grind, as men. When we get into our 40's and 50's *that's* when the girls will throw themselves at us. ALL Bullshit. Just another tactic to keep us on the plantation and drawn to false hope. False hope is Worse than no hope. Why should rejected men risk All, only to benefit, their children and grandchildren. I'm living for myself, from here on out.


@sardonicsmile Couldn't have said it better myself.

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