I see alot of people saying that women win in the short term but lose in the long term.

This is just not true. I know PLENTY of women 30-45 who finesse men and are still living the dream.

@basedbagel rememver short and long term are subjective, I think long term means where their life ends up in the end. Did they manage to get a husband and start a faminly or atleast not die alone, or did they die alone and with no family or anyone who cared to hold their hand in the last yrs of her life.


@37712 In my experience the only older women I know that are alone are the ones that want to be.

Most men want a partner and family. Most women just want to be taken care of and maybe have a kid.

I know women in their LATE 50s still dating younger men. Their only regret is kids.

I hate to say it but I don't see how a woman can lose in the West. .

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@basedbagel again, I am not saying that these women winning in their 40s and 50s dont exists. What I am saying, and pay attention now, THAT THESE WOMEN WINNING IN THEIR 40s/50s ARE LIKE 1 IN 1 MILLION, they do exists but even for the very few women who are winnning in their 40s/50s dont end up winning forever, look back at them when they are in their 60s and still sibgke and childless with no one to care for them in their old age.

@37712 I see what you're saying but in reality I haven't seen it pan out that way.

Where are all these older, lonely and destitute women?

Because I go outside see a TON of lonely broke men.

@basedbagel bro, you see these women all the time, infact, you can open up mgtow.tv right now and see some of these failed women on video right now crying their eyes out cuz no man willarry them and they are desperate for a man to marry them amd take care of them. Where do you think the chinese term "left over women" came from. Your problem is that you are comparing these 40+ yr old women with the current modern woman who dont need no man and wont settle for less because she is a Queen.

@37712 You're falling for the hype.

Those women crying on the internet are just attention whores.

Women DONT WANT to be married, men do.

Women just want to be taken care of and have fun

And in China women STILL set the terms due to the abundance of men with the 1 child policy.

There is no such thing as women losing it's all a giant cope

@basedbagel well my fren, then I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree, I dont think this term of "left over women" simple comes from women crying on the internet, I think it is a serious issue and I see it happening even with my sisters, I look around at my work (extremely feminist) and I see it in these women all the time. women of yester year might have settled for less if their options dried up but women today dont do that.

@basedbagel winning at life does not mean winning in only one portion of your life, it meams winning in all portions of your life and the only women who can do that are the ones who marry early have kids and stay faithfull and married in to old age, with their family to be there for them and after them.

1. You shouldn't compare yourself to a woman. Two different paths in life.

2. Don't try to think like a woman. You have better things to do.

3. Women always lose because women are never happy, never satisfied. Even if they say they are happy, just wait 5 mins.

@37712 @basedbagel



1 and 2 are spot on.
3 is patently false..

Amber heard VIOLENTLY ABUSED Johnny Depp for YEARS and what did she get? Sued for 9 mil and won her counter suit for 4 mil and moved right on to another guy.

Please show me where a guy can do that and not be under a jail and I'll believe you.

Women NEVER lose.

@basedbagel @37712

You said #1 is spot on, and then proceed to compare men to women.

@redmaple @37712 Yes, to illustrate a point.

You shouldn't compare yourself to a woman on an individual level.

But I can still compare the 2 to make my point which is: Women NEVER lose.

I still stand by it.

The reason why I harp on this so much is I've seen too many men falling into the rabbit hole of waiting for women to get their just desserts.

It's doomsday porn that'll never happen.

You're just making youtubers richer and waste your 1 life.

@basedbagel @37712

If you want a woman to realize her "errors" and be in pain for it. That's not common.

@redmaple @37712 You must not frequent normie socials then so let me fill you in.

There are content creators getting TONS of views talking about how winter is coming for modern women.

They'll find some TikTok of some bitch crying and make commentary on how they'll die alone and penniless.

And guys are eating this stuff up. It's a sad state of affairs.

@basedbagel can you please describe what lousing and winning in life means for you, I think you might have your wires crossed.



Winning for women = doing what the want, when they want with who they want.

They have that in the west.

Winning for men is a completely different standard because men self actualize.

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