Watching VAIDS on loved ones in real time does hurt. Especially when they were the kind ones.

@FinalDresdonation I'm glad you said this.

I still talk to my normie family every now and agian and while they annoy me I know I don't have much more time with them.

@basedbagel I have plenty that are smart, caring, thoughtful, and honest people. People who were unsure about things and trusted their institutions.

Sorry to hear that. @FinalDresdonation

I wish I could say the same.

My normie family is scared of everything and I almost got kicked out of my house over the jab.

Just further proof that ignorance is not bliss.

We may be jaded, but at least we're not dead.

We're gonna have to carry that weight.

@basedbagel All I do is the best I can and to provide for them in these times. Not at too much of my expense.

A.) Because I care and love them

B.) Because they will at least help me if any more goes awry.

I hope your family can turn around and be useful and trusting of you again none the less.


That's very sweet of you to do @FinalDresdonation

My normie family i can't really be relied upon outside of tact financial support.

To this day my family still thinks I'm jabbed and that they did their part for herd immunity.

But on the bright side I don't have anything holding me down to the country anymore.

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