I just missed a meeting with a client that if successful could have paid my rent for 2 months!

Why? I had right time but didn't realize they were in a different timezone so I was 3 hours off...

Moral of the story: Always double check your times AND time zones.

If anyone has any advice to keep track of this I'm all ears

@basedbagel I bought a few clocks with large displays and set them to different timezones so that I can see what time it is in the UK and Australia at a glance.


Great idea! @Tfmonkey I'm gonna try that.

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@basedbagel here is a picture of my setup. I just bought the clocks on Walmart.

@Tfmonkey Simple yet so effective I'm a little embarrassed how much I was overthinking this.😅

I'm gonna get pick up a couple later on today

Thanks for sharing!

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