
I just got a new client today!

After taxes it was a decent chunk of change.

Only to get a medical bill the next day for roughly the same amount...

I'm not even mad because 2 years ago a bill like this would have wiped me OUT.

Medical bills are a leading cause of homelessness and I'm grateful to God I'm not one of them.

So I'm celebrating anyway!

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@basedbagel Try a Vegan diet all deseases are cause by meat, dairy and eggs consumption. As a Vegan you dont need to worry about getting sick anymore just make sure get enough vitamin B12 and vitamin D2 sumplements.

@VeganMGTOW I apprecate the suggestion but I tried being vegan for a year and it just didn't fit my lifestyle.

@basedbagel Congratulations are in order.

Take care of yourself. Remember: We are All one slip and fall away from an injury bankruptcy.

Thank you! @sardonicsmile

And you're 100% right we can never take our health for granted.

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