I can't tell if female athletes didn't see this tranny train coming as the logical extension of their philosophy and are genuinely shocked seeing women erased from sports.

Or are they well aware and just whining because their bullshit ideology is hurting them now?

It's getting harder to tell stupidity from malevolence these days but either way I'm lovin it!

What do you guys think?

@basedbagel They can't see even 1 step ahead. They will sacrifice everything to feel better even if the cost will be their future. Like many women will waste money and not invest or cheat on their partner even if they know he will kick her out. But they will still do it for feeling good.


Interesting @Stahesh I'm a bit on the fence with this. On one hand these women are young which means that they skew left.

On the other hand athletes tend to be hard working people who don't know much outside of their sport.

So maybe they didn't have an interest on politics until it took an interest in their sport.

I know it sucks to train your whole life only to have your championship stolen from you but... welcome to EQUALITY LOL

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@basedbagel @Stahesh
Women literally cannot see past their own nose. So no they didn’t see it coming even though it was obvious. That’s why they’re shocked.

But they change their tune according to what immediately benefits them, never acknowledging how they contradict themselves. We accept this because double standards.

Female athletes work hard in an “A for effort” way. Men are judged by results. Women get credit for existing.

@southpole21 @Stahesh

"Female athletes work hard in an “A for effort” way. Men are judged by results. Women get credit for existing."

That's true but I have to give them credit for not being fat.

I wish I could get some data on how they voted. If I found out more than 50% of them voted for this shit then good for them.

If it turns out these were based bitches from the middle of nowhere ... I'm still laughing because the situation is funny but their complaints would have more credence.

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