
I just found out a woman was grooming her kid to go and fuck R Kelly...

No jailtime

A pornstar got Trump in legal trouble for consensual sex.

2 whores got Tate and his brother jailed for for 4 months and got their houses raided.

No jail time for hoes.

A teacher RAPED a kid and got pregnant and now the rape victim owes child support to his abuser.

Do not fucking @ me

· Edited · · Fedilab · 1 · 0 · 2

A woman can beat your ass and antagonize you to hell and if you touch her you're going to jail- Johnny Depp

A bitch can squat in your house and you can't kick her out by some retarded law.

A bitch can cuck you and make you pay for another man's nut.

Bitches don't have to go to war but they can decide if you do.

Let me know if I missed anything 🙂

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