
I'll never forget arguing with my family member about not taking covid money when i can work a job.

I'm glad I stuck to my principle and worked for lees $ but I left alot of 💰 on the table...

@basedbagel I took dat shit!

If the West is getting fucked anyway, go buy some groceries with it. The money's spent already, so just take it and use it wisely.

Like people boycotting Amazon as if they're going to hurt Amazon by not spending $18.79 for a birthday gift. Me, I'm going to use their convenient service to stay ahead of things and prep items I'll need in the future. And Amazon probably doesn't want me to have these items, but they're facilitating it anyway. They're working for me.

@RoninGrey So true.

I fell victim to muh principles and I literally paid the price.

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