
I had an epiphany watching pigeons.

My beef with normies isn't just that they're stupid, It's that they're slow.

Normies are like pigeons in the road with car coming at them in the distance.

Unless the threat is right in front of them with 0 layers of abstraction they will carry on like business as usual.

Drives me nuts but that's life.

@basedbagel Like when I worked as warehouse worker. We had pretty long hallway to locker rooms.

The normies often fat and at least +3x slower than me. What pissed me the most is that I had locker room almost at end of the hallway.

Another thing with normies is that normal people comprehend it in 1 year compare to normies that need 10 years to comprehend some stuff.

I do not get how normies can go throught 10 years figure out that it is not wise to spend your money after you get them.

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