I'm so tired of people saying you shouldn't hate anyone.

Why not?

It's natural to hate people who go out of their way to lower your quality of life.

I hate most people for because

1. They're easily maniuplated

2. They cost me money and time

3. Due to their parasitic nature they hold us back as a species so much I'm flirting with the idea of eugenics.

4.They won't leave you alone unless you threaten them.

5. They go out of their way to to do evil things.

@basedbagel - This could be a semantic quibble for all I know, 🤔 but the thing about hate, is that it's an active emotion. It requires energy to hate someone.

I try not to hate anyone - not for their sake, but because it's a waste of my energy. The opposite of love is indifference anyway.

I don't always succeed, but for this reason I strive to be indifferent to those I would hate. My hate doesn't hurt them. But if circumstances ever dictate, I could certainly hurt them indifferently. 💁🏻‍♂️🍻


Maybe you're right and I won't hate them but I'm not forgiving and forgetting.

I patiently wait for all my enemies demise. Luckily most of them are vaccinated.

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