
I got triggered today.

Some female was watching a show about midgets.

I was trying to make conversation about it and interrupted me saying that they're little people.

I don't know about you but as a 4 inch bagel calling someone a "little person" sounds patronizing as fuck to me.

It's just like with black people.

Calling someone a colored person is offensive but a person of color isn't?

It's the SAME SHIT just backwards.

This stuff only makes sense if you don't think about it.

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I just found out there's a name for this called the euphemism treadmill where overtime we keep making up new euphemisms to make people feel better.

Good thing I'm leaving the west soon this is exhausting

@Tfmonkey Fitting name, good to know I wasn't the only one that noticed this.

My beef is this constant name changing almost fucked up my ghosting in plain sight.

LGBTQIA+ and they're STILL adding letters fml


This is how you can tell you are living in a dying society.

Every major public action is rationalization or deflection.

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