
I see now why Barbarossa left the red pill/MGTOW and I'm doing the same.

At some point you have to move on and really go your own way.

The RP was supposed to be a cheat code for a select few men to improve their life.

Now RP in it's current bastardized form is some revenge of the nerds gloom and doom, and begging/shaming hoes.

Anytime a movement gets too big it gets watered down to be more normie friendly and inevitably betrays its own principles.

· Edited · · Fedilab · 1 · 0 · 2

@basedbagel the PUAs and dating coaches have always been here. It's just that after YouTube censored mgtow, they're the survivors that rose to the surface.

Go ahead and call yourself whatever you want and drop all labels and identities. That's actually a healthy thing regardless.

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