
Total war makes no sense to me.

Sure it sounds good in theory because you would demoralize your enemies.

But just look at The Middle East.

All of the drone strikes on civilians just radicalized them and strengthened their resolve to fight back avenge their people.

These civilians would have been neutral or possibly sympathetic to your cause but because of this total war nonsense now your permanent enemies.

@basedbagel - I don't see total war as a good thing, under any circumstances. But I see the logic behind it... and when it's carried out completely, to the bitter end, I think it's effective.

It's like the Romans would say: You haven't won until your enemy considers himself to be defeated.

I doubt that Islamic civilians would ever get on board with the globo-homo, no matter how lightly the war was fought.

The problem with total war is: What is the cause that's being fought for?

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