My American female rating system:

Top dealmakers:

In shape = + 60, most are fat

No meds= +20

No tattoos: +10

Shows up on time: +25

Friendly: +30 We love to see it

Religious: +25

Top deal breakers:

Demonic activity like witchcraft: -50

Bizarre trauma= -10, ain't nobody got time for that.

Cold/Bitchy= -30

Lots of Crazy exes = -20, shows poor judgement

Any extreme political views= -50

Needy,Clingy = -15 Kinda cute but it gets old

@basedbagel I like the needy/clingy girls, but I have severe abandonment issues so ...



Fair enough, I have an anxious/avoidant attachment style so the idea of a girl wanting be around me 24/7 gives me pause.

My real beef with the needy girls is when you want to leave and they're not ready they make your life a living hell.

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