
Dumb friends are not your friends.

They are liabilities in disguise.

Remove them now or suffer later.

You've been warned.

@basedbagel nooo, you always need someone to sacrifice to the chaos gods sooner or later. Remember Griffith.

@basedbagel - Personally, I can't stand liars and thieves.

As long as someone is neither liar nor thief, then I'll be friends with anyone who is a friend to me. That said of course, true friends are rare indeed. Over the course of 40 years, I've made 6. And I count myself rich in that. 🍻


"I'll be friends with anyone who is a friend to me."

I used to share that sentiment but due to the rampant incompetence of my countrymen I no longer associate with low IQ people.

High IQ people aren't perfect but they have less problems.

Lucky you I've lost all my old friends due to career changes and pussy.

I'm trying to socialize but it's hard when you have a bunch of niche interests.

Plus I had the same friends for over a decade so my social skills have atrophied.

Oh well

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