
Saw that, crazy. This is why they want censorship, so the normies can't be woken up.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @UncleIroh

FUCK the normies waking up.

I told warned I cared for about the vaccine and not a SINGLE person listened.

If you're too lazy/cowardly/stupid to audit what you put in your body then you deserve a Darwin award.

I lost a dream job, freinds and damn near my sanity over this shit and if only 40% of people did what I did the system would collapse and there would be no mandate.

But NO, normies gonna norm so fuccem.

Sorry for the rant but this wound is still fresh

@basedbagel @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @UncleIroh It obviously wasn't your dream job if you had to get poisoned by the jab to get it


@Zeb @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @UncleIroh True but that was some good money and I was never hired so I can't even get backpay...

Some things just can't be forgiven

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