
Saw that, crazy. This is why they want censorship, so the normies can't be woken up.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @UncleIroh

FUCK the normies waking up.

I told warned I cared for about the vaccine and not a SINGLE person listened.

If you're too lazy/cowardly/stupid to audit what you put in your body then you deserve a Darwin award.

I lost a dream job, freinds and damn near my sanity over this shit and if only 40% of people did what I did the system would collapse and there would be no mandate.

But NO, normies gonna norm so fuccem.

Sorry for the rant but this wound is still fresh

@basedbagel @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu

I agree.

It's not just that there are lots of normies who are still too prideful/dumb to accept that their government tried to kill them and hide the truth.

It's not even that some would take another vaccine.

It's that these normies will call you a dangerous retard and support government efforts to force it on you and your family, take away your children and deny you all rights.

That's what I'll never forget or forgive.


@UncleIroh @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu

"normies will call you a dangerous retard and support government efforts to force it on you and your family, take away your children and deny you all rights."


i have serious trust issues that I cannot fix.

How can I invest/ have faith in a society that was willing to lock me in a cage over a disease with a 98% survival rate?

People I thought were SOLID smart people cucked.

Thank God bitches were cray and led me to RP or I'd be vaxxed too

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@basedbagel @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu

That's pretty hilarious that your redpilling about women and the vaxx hoax came at the hands of a crazy bitch you needed to understand.

God works in mysterious ways indeed.

@UncleIroh @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu

He sure does!

To be fair she told me she was bipolar but little head prevailed.

I found out that when it came to hoes EVERYONE lied.

So I wondered what else they lied about and here we are.

I thank God everyday for TFM and a few other brave creator sounding the alarm about COVID in 2020.

I will NEVER forget their sacrifice.

I will NEVER forgive the censorship.

This content saves lives in more ways than one.

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