I read a story about about some dude who got kicked out of school for sexual harassment.

It's just tragic.

I looked him up The guy was CLEARLY just a persistent unattractive autist, but he doesn't fit the bill of a rapist.

I'll never understand how females find it easier to call the police/dean of a school than tell the guy to fuck off.

Now this dude could have a criminal record for being ugly.

If the females in my life called the cops every time I was awkward I'd be under the jail.


Nonsense like this helps me understand black-pillers. (I'm still gonna shit on them for being lazy defeatists)

I've grabbed girl's asses and said all kinds of crazy shit and not one did it occur to them to CALL THE FUCKING COPS on me!

You can't have any fun if every little thing requires consent.


I suspect it's a pretty big part of why gen-z guys are black-pilled about women - the mistakes me and my generation made while learning game:

1. never recorded
2. never posted on social media for the world to see, judge, and laugh at
3. were honest mistakes. we were not lured into them for the sole purpose of 1 and 2 above
4. did not carry the risk of criminal charges

this creates fear, resentment, frustration, hate & then apathy.

i have sympathy.

@UncleIroh Everything you said i spot on except for sympathy with black pillers.

I've been publicly, rejected and mocked many times.

I wrote a note to ask girl to prom and she tore that shit up in front of the whole class.

I've laid in bed damn near naked because this I thought this bitch wanted dick bit it turs out, she was just lonely.

I had bitches give me panic attacks but I didn't just bitch all day about my face symmetry.

I self improved... And went MGTOW lol I had enough.


All of those unpleasant memories are yours. Nobody from that time remembers or cares, and none of those experiences went viral on TikTok. No-one can pull them up on video and have you constantly relive the embarrassment.

> I self improved... And went MGTOW

Boys cannot learn and grow into men inside a climate of fear, resentment, frustration, hate.

Improvement requires repeated failure and a different environment.

Sandman's point is that MGTOW requires initial experience.


@UncleIroh "No-one can pull them up on video and have you constantly relive the embarrassment."

A couple people probably could but I see your point. Viral rejection is brutal.

I agree with the rest.

TBH if I never left the country and had a weakerp mind I'd be a doomer

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