TFM's position on crypto seems to be purely ideological and not at all pragmatic.

Nobody is advising to commit 100% of your cash into anything, let alone crypto.

But if there's a non-zero chance that BTC will 10x or 100x within a year and you don't put at least 1% of your disposable income into it to hedge against market fuckery, then you are not investing, you are doing emotional/ ideological gambling.

@UncleIroh TFM has been trolled too many times about crypto going to the moon so he doesn't take it seriously.

Alse we're in the infancy of crypto so it makes sense that most people don't see the utility in it yet.


Has nothing to do with being trolled and everything to do with responsbile, non-emotional investment principles.


@UncleIroh I agree with you in principle but IIRC he said something along the lines of this in a past stream.

I still have a small part of my portfolio in crypto so I don't care either way.

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