I hate when people try dismiss my arguments by taking things to extreme.

Me: If a critical mass of us refuse the vax, they'll have to drop the mandate. Just say no

Normie: Oh so you're asking me to lose my job, get divorced and have my kids starved for some conspiracy theory?

NO you braindead normie I'm asking you to stand for something for once in your life!

I'm beginning to think all persuasion is pointless, just get power and force people to do the right thing.


> I'm beginning to think all persuasion is pointless, just get power and force people

Wait, what do you think we have now? We're in a Neitzschean "might is right" death struggle right now.

The ones with the might are the ones wearing the skin-suits of American Classical Liberalism.

And everyone except Christian Zionist retards can now see that they also all wear tiny hats.

@Komnene @basedbagel @meso

Says the faggot with Michael Kikebride in his header image.

@Komnene @basedbagel @meso

You @Komnene also have to go on the timeout step like a kid who has had too much sugar.

Use the time to reflect on your actions.


@Komnene @UncleIroh @meso

I go and run some errands and the thread goes on a wild tangent I can't follow. So I'm just gonna

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