I'm tired for getting trolled for having common sense and being objective.

I'm starting a new series Inspired by @Scubbie and Ryan dawson called:

"Bagel was right: Tales of Treasonous Sore Losers"

My thesis is simple: The problem with the south was and stillis their hubris, prejeduce and stubbornness.

1. They thought the union was going to lose ~50% of their tax revenue and just let them secede. Why did they think this? Hubris



2. They refused to let blacks fight until they were already losing the war aka too late. Why? Illogical prejeduce.

I don't like Lincoln but he even admitted himself that black soldiers were a key asset in winning the war.

Lincoln was still racist but put his own feelings aside to be pragmatic unlike the south.

The funny thing is during that time blacks and whites were mostly segregated so how they had such strong negative opinions about people they barely saw is beyond me.

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3. There wasn't a snowball's chance in hell of the south winning the war because:

3.1 they had no foreign recognition

3.2 They had inferior infrastructure and manpower (see #2)

3.3 The Union had superior strategy. cohesion and better propaganda.

Since the Union successfully linked the south to salvery (even though the north had slaves too) nobody wanted to ally with them.

Knowing all this why did they continue to fight so hard? STUBBORNNESS


The North understood the art of war and didn't go for a defensive prolonged struggle.

Everyone in the union was on one accord: "Preserve the Union at all costs" ̶M̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶s̶u̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶f̶i̶t̶s̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶s̶l̶a̶v̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶t̶a̶x̶e̶d̶

This was not the case in the south as since every state was sovereign they each had their own reasons which led to a lack of cohesion.

The fatcats bankrolling the war wanted their tax free slave profits while the rank and file southerner was fighting for states rights.

@Scubbie You make me sick.

Jan 6ers are rotting in prison but they let you all go free after committing a legit insurrection resulting in the bloodiest war in US history.

You even got PENSIONS for treason!

Even so you STILL won't move on after almost 2 centuries clinging to your confederate flag like a child crying like a bitch because he didn't get his way.


I don't like post-civil war America at all but I'm not gonna cry about it all damn day holding on to a losing flag.

@brimshae @Scubbie

I brought out a multi-part historical analysis backed up by logic and reason.

Your reply to all that was the same thing women tell guys when they know they don't make any sense.

I know my logic is irrefutable so you gaslighting me on emotional stabilit won't work

@basedbagel @brimshae @Scubbie This is the gayest series of salty Jew posts I've read in months and we only just had the New York Tunnel Jew incident happen a week or two ago.

@LivingSpaceStudios @Scubbie @brimshae

salty jew,? Are you trolling me? What the hell does that have to do with the civil war?

I'm not salty at all I'm just stating historical facts that just so happen to piss off southerners.


>Clearly states "I don't like Lincoln"

> Posts meme of me saying the exact opposite.

Who knew southern brainrot affected your reading comprehension too?

@Scubbie Keep on coping by trolling and spamming memes because you know my logic is untouchable.

Read it and weep sore loser!


@basedbagel @Scubbie Bro, don't feed the trolls, they literally do that because of te drama and because it makes them feel important; and you can't "own" someone whose goal is just to waste your time.

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