For any of you guys that ever worried about your dick size.

Keep in mind the average vaginal depth is 3.77 inches.

So unless the girl:

1. Is a genetic freak

2. Ran through

3. Has had multiple kids

Moral of the story: Don't worry about your dick size, worry about pleasuring your partner.


I wouldn't even worry about pleasuring your partner. Sure, mutual pleasure is a nice diversion, but it should never be the goal. That way lies simping and entitlement.

Another truth that young men in particular often struggle with is that an important source of pleasure for women is in being used. They take great pleasure in being used and being useful to a man.

@UncleIroh I agree with you in principle but I've seen an concerning amount of (mostly young) guys that are insecure about their dick size.

This never made much sense to me so I looked it up on Wikipedia and I wanted to share what I found.

Alot of guys think that its over because they have a 5.5 incher not realizing thats the average dick size is

>an important source of pleasure for women is in being used.

True, can confirm.


You can thank porn for that, and in particular the BBC genre of porn.

For the same reason I'm guessing that "an concerning amount of (mostly young) guys that are insecure about their dick size" are probably white guys.

Maybe Asian guys too. Definitely not Indian guys, their self confidence is one of life's fascinating mysteries and wonders.



mostly young) guys that are insecure about their dick size" are probably white guys.

Yes, but I have doubts about this BBC myth as I've even heard a black dude talk about this at UNI.

I doubt that every black dude is packing, I posit dick size is proportionate to your body

>Definitely not Indian guys, their self confidence is one of life's fascinating mysteries and wonders.

LOL I wouldn't be so sure but I can't confirm as I've never talked to one about it.

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