Hot take: I don't mind reparations but I just don't see how it can logically be implemented.

1. Are there good records of who has slave ancestry and who doesn't?

2. What about other races who were slaves? Do they get a check too or is it blacks only?

3. For blacks that descend from free men/slave owners, should they now pay into the reparations pool of $ to be redistributed?

4. How much $ do they get?

IMO the best time for reparations was right after the civil war, Now it's too complex

@basedbagel Everyone probably has ancestors who were slaves. Slavery has always been a thing in recorded human history and it certainly wasn't a "black issue".
There is nothing to apologize for, this was life since forever. It's not just that reparations can't realistically be implemented, it's that the concept doesn't even make sense. Might as well go full communism and take everyone's money.

Blacks have already been given the biggest reparation of all, they were allowed to stay in America.



>Slavery has always been a thing in recorded human history

I agree, here's my rebuttal.

I disagree with slavery not just morally but because it's theft.

IT would be hypocritical for me to criticize the welfare state for stealing our heard earned money but then turn a blind eye to slaves who worked sun up to sundown and and got NO PAY.

Also IIRC America was the 1st to make your slavery go on by generations. historically slavery was more ilke. indentured servitude.

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