Zoomers sounds like a wheelchair special olympics team.

I Based bagel hereby petition for a new generation nickname with all the powers vested in me.

What do you guys think?

@basedbagel I will at least take gen z like zombies.

Because many of us are lifeless like ones.

Why the F combine us with boomers🤬


>Why the F combine us with boomers🤬

Thank you! Like what did we do to deserve this gay ass name?!

Its so disrespectful

@basedbagel It is like they know we are generation that is most ruined by boomers


@Stahesh Talk about it!

We grew up into 9/11, followed by a financial crash, followed by a wordwide pandemic/recesssion.

But boomers let the Boomers tell it and we have it SO easy...


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