It was a female that red pilled me, Many men tried before to no avail.

It was Israel that made me hate Israel..
Many a jootsrd tried before with no avail.

Moral of the story:

Don't bother trying to convince anyone.

they will find out sooner or later straight from the horses mouth.

but what if you find out about females after you're already married with kids ?

people indeed won't listen to your words but you can send them certain videos that they won't be able to get out of their head ...

@9c2e0a870413773cb915b9c9cd2e1cbd17e53ae2b0a86aba5e5bf0fc13c420d2 @basedbagel - Wise words all around.

For the young men around me, I share a red-pill perspective while knowing they disbelieve it as I speak, in the hope that my words will come back to them as reality plays out in their dealings.

And hopefully, they can avoid the worst of the consequences before they get too far (married with children in this broken system). 🍻




Risky move but I commend your bravery.

At this stage in my planning ready a dual citizen and I'm so close to freedom i can't risk anyone screwing it up for me because I told them something they weren't ready to hear yet

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