For everyone that gave me shit for being anti-drugs:

This bitch stabbed a dude 100 times under cannabis psychosis and will walk free after some community service.

If drugs were illegal she'd be in jail

@basedbagel It should be clear that the law doesn't matter here. Murder is illegal and being on drugs, legal or not, is not a defense. Yet she's free.


>that the law doesn't matter here.

I hate to be pedantic but it kinda does.

The reason why she got off is that she got the prosecutioms expert witness to agree that she has cannabis psychosis.

This meant she wasn't in control of her actions so they treated her like a victim of a big bad man forcing her to try drugs she didn't want and she had a freak accident.

If drugs were illegal she'd still be on the hook for possession/use of marijuana

@basedbagel If changing the sexes of the parties would change the outcome of the case, the law is not what's wrong with the system.

The problem here is the simp judge who literally lets women get away with murder. There is no legislative solution here. The people are broken.


> If changing the sexes of the parties would change the outcome of the case

That's an no oversimplification.
I understand there is a vagina pass in court but what got her off was her insanity plea. Also she has family in law enforcement.

Influential people have used insanity pleas to get away with murder from antiquity.

There was a guy who got off with murder claiming he had affluenza.

Gender is only part of the issue.



The bigger issue is the law.

They need to ban drugs and bring back and find a way to separate the mentally ill from society instead of giving them pills and putting us sane people at risk

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