For everyone that gave me shit for being anti-drugs:

This bitch stabbed a dude 100 times under cannabis psychosis and will walk free after some community service.

If drugs were illegal she'd be in jail

@basedbagel - Re:OP

Well, I don't intend to give you any shit for your opinions... 🤔 though I'm much more tolerant of drugs. I think there's a "good list" and a "bad list".

But I doubt "cannabis psychosis" had anything to do with why this broad stabbed a guy 100 times. On the face of it, this sounds like a female evading responsibility by any means available - regardless of the absurdity. Team up that natural inclination with lawyerly expertise in twisting facts, and *boom* ya get this. 💁🏻‍♂️😒



>there's a "good list" and a "bad list".

I agree, but remember there are 2nd order consequences/ side effects to any drug. Cannabis psychosis is 1 of them.

>I doubt "cannabis psychosis" had anything to do with it

Agreed. My point was that this would be an open and shut case if weed was illegal.

Also she has family in law enforcement. On top of that only her family spoke to the media which twisted the story into bad man tricks poor girl into smoking weed.

This was a setup from jump

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