I'm sorry but I had to drop Rick and Morty.

Morty is a 14 YEAR OLD BOY.why is there a scene of him getting sexually assaulted?

What kind of psychopath finds a minor getting raped entertainment?

Call me a snowflake but nothing about rape is entertaining to me. Especially not minors.

Sick Hollywierd freaks have to inject their perverted degenerate fantasies into anything they make! 😡

@basedbagel I am so sorry that your IQ is too low to appreciate the highly intellectual masterpiece known as Rick and Morty. Maybe if you read more books, got at least a Master's degree at a prestigious university and trust the science you could understand just how great a show it is.

But you didn't! Excuse me while I smoke weed and listen to Sam Harris for the next 10 hours, exactly what a true intellectual would do!

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