Bagel conspiracy:

Fat acceptance is population control.

Why would you promote an unhealthy lifestyle that leads to death and have plus size models.

We banned cigarette companies from advertising bscause of the adverse health effects but obese models are EVERYWHERE?

Sounds like depop to me

@basedbagel I think it is far more simply to make people more complacent to have cope for them so they don't stray from bread and circuses. Bc over indulging in those leads you to be well.. fat.

It could be but the way my brain works I think:

Obesity will inevitably lead to medical issues.

US medical system is run like a trap house ther prefers magic pill$.

1\5 Americans have medical debt.

Also how can you rebel against a system if you're depending on them for your meds?

So my thesis is that they're promoting obesity to thin the population, make 💰 from preventable disease treatments, and keep us all debt slaves.

@basedbagel I think that is a by product to just preventing discontent

Possibly, but if so it's falling because I see many discontent obese ppl.

@basedbagel But, ponder this. Are they discontent enough to get up off their asses.


Time will tell as everyone has their breaking point.

But as of now:

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