Everyone is wrong about the obesity crisis and it triggers me as an ex-trainer.

Fat shaming IS bad.

It leads to eating disorders/mental issues due to desperation of how much they hate their bodies.

Fat "acceptance" is giving up.

You shouldn't accept anything you have the power to change.

But there's so much misinformation out there that people try these headass ways to lose weight and eventually give up.

The best way to manage your weight is through small, gradual lifestyle improvements with an honest trainer.

Everything is so polarized these days that people with common sense and expertise get drowned out by fools!

It's so sad because we can help fat people so easily and they can't get the help they need because of grifters looking for 💰 and lazy people who want a good excuse to give up.

You shouldn't LIE and say being fat is healthy but you can positively nudge them in the right direction.


There are approximately four organizations that certify

The certification test is less than $1000 if you spend 20 hours with a personal trainer at $50 per hour then you could have gotten the certification multiple times by paying for it instead of a trainer

The personal trainer has no special exercise knowledge based on that certification that the client can not get by studying the same material

You should point out being fat can be bad for their health without being a jerk



> The personal trainer has no special exercise knowledge based on that certification that the client can not get by studying the same material

That's true but you're missing the point.

Trainers are valued for external accountability moreso than their knowledge.

The purpose of the cert is mainly liability reasons.

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