
So apparently you're supposed to give two to four car lengths of distance to give yourself time to break in case of a freak accident.

But the problem is if you give someone two to four car thinks of space you're just going to get passed all day.

Decisions decisions


Secret option c: ride their ass so hard your bumper merges with their trunk and idle your car in neutral. Save you $ at the gas pump. Just sayin'.

@basedbagel In my experience, speed limits mitigate that, everyone tends to drive close to the limit so passing someone occur less often

Agreed but where I'm at people don't follow the speed limit AT ALL to the point where driving at a same speed puts you at risk

@basedbagel That's sounds like a failure from the police. Which is funny since where I live, the police is very serious with speed limits since they expect to extort money out of you in order to avoid fines and having points deducted from your license. Here, police failed too, but in a way that I guess it works...

@basedbagel You should give yourself distance so you have at leaset 2 second reaction time.

It is good but in city where traffic is retarded

in city I just drive behind them with distance around 1/3 or 1/2 car length

So I give myself space and drive little slower than car infront of me so I have time to react to his stupid driving

@basedbagel I often in the city do not care much. I slow down where is radar or where I know where police have their favorite spots to check traffic.

Because if you do not do traffic violations when you drive are you really driving?

But It was hard last time I drove to work police car was behind me for so long it was hard because I almost fogot how to drive slow.😈

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