I just watched a video from Aaron Clarey cabout Us male loyalty in WW3 and this comment cracked me up 😂 :

"No Russian, Chinese, Afghani, Iraqi, or North Korean ever called me an incel."

@basedbagel I recall a shill on 4chan (pics related) going on about how men should be fighting for their families and country.

What families? Many young men are not able to get a willing and marriageable woman, so they have a lot less stake in society. And if you have no family to care for, you probably also will not have strong feelings for your country either. Especially not when the government of that country shows nothing but contempt for the young men.

@basedbagel I just think about the United States during WWI and WWII. Whether or not there was support for the war, the young men were far more likely to have a family of their own to care about and cared more about their fellow citizens.

But now? What is there to fight for? The "fighting for gay sex being legal in Botswana" is hardly that much of a meme, since our government seems to be applying pressure to so many countries to make homosexuality legal.



> What is there to fight for? The "fighting for gay sex being legal in Botswana"

This made me chuckle 😂

In all seriousness I had a debate about this and I see their point of view even though I disagree.

Remember we are still in each community in 95% of the world is still blue pill.

So they still have an investment in the system or at least something that gives them meaning.

For us the system gives us ,high taxes and less freedom.

So Im leaving out once I hit my # of $

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