
There is no nobility in taking uncanny levels of abuse.

It doesn't make you any less of a man to Just leave.

@basedbagel Nobility is just a fancy way of society holding a man hostage to his "own" values. There's no point in upholding values that leads to our own detriment.

This is a precursor of my contempt for utilitarianism, and why society only values self sacrifice as long its not them doing so.

@basedbagel Abuse is always unjust, so there should be no notion of “uncanny levels” of it. Just leave as soon as it happens.


You're spot on but I just noticed a disturbing trend among men that think it's alpha to take alot of abuse and I had to address it

@basedbagel where do you find these guys? Are they people you meet in real life?

And it’s probably them thinking they have to take the abuse or that they can handle it because they’re tough or some stupid alpha nonsense

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