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I just saw the new navy recruitment video.... I didn't think the LGBT degenerates would infect our armed forces but here we are.

Men please DO NOT join the NAVY.
It's been infected with gay shit at the highest level if they're letting shit like this fly.

Russia and China are watching us embarras ourselves like

Rumor has it the government has technology 10-25 years ahead of what we have now.

If thats true and the cathedral has access to advanced AI and still comes up with plans so shitty they may start world war 3 and end humanity as we know it...

Elon restricted access to the Twitter API which broke my 3rd party open source Twitter app...

A good entrepreneur does what works.

A good employee does what they're told.

Know the difference

Noam Chomsky rubbed shoulders with eastern and Bruce Lee was murdered

Change my mind:

Black women are only less desired due to their lack of femininity and reputation of ratchetness..

The ones that don't behave like hyenas with rabies don't have these problems

Pedos don't fall out of the sky.

Not a doubt in my mind Joe biden raped his son and daughter which led to the drug abuse and craziness.

Cybersecurity is the new shadow welfare for women.

They can get 6 figure salaries while not having the technical skills like coding.

My advice to young men in cybersecuity is to freelance or start a company ASAP because you won't be promoted as fast as a female.

I know 3 cases of people who made cars that ran on water mysteriously died.

Yet electric cars are actively subsidized and promoted.

Food for thought 🤔

I don't want to emigrate to any country that needs immigrants

Heard from a bird that crowder got cucked by a non-white guy.

Praying to GOD that's not true but if it is his brand is FINISHED.

"Behind every failed man, is a woman with rights" - Bagel

Idk why Crowder announced his divorce.

It really hurts the brand as a tradcon if you're marriage failed...

I'd like to give a big shout out to all 32 of my followers.

Whether or not we disagree it's good to know that I'm not crazy and I'm not the only one seeing what I'm seeing

P.S. Bagel studios is on an indefinite hiatus as business is taking up alot of my time right now.

You know why its hard for me to sympathize with women's dating issues?

Sex dolls.

If a fucking inanimate object can satisfy a man's needs but you can't as a real woman you're either a dumbasss or dishonest.

Either way you deserve to be alone.

I'm not an anarchocapitalist so I don't think taxation is Theft.

But paying 33% of my income to a government that doesn't serve my interests while driving over potholes every day is CRIMINAL

I don't drink.

Men are judged as if they are sober at all times.

The excuse that you were drunk/high only works for women.

It's more important to be not stupid than it is to be smart.

Not enough people get this.

Some women didn't want to vote because they didn't want the responsibility associated with it like being drafted...

I tried to start my biz bank with my local credit union but they were taking too long.

I then tried an online bank and arepoved, made a deposit and got my biz debit card in a little over a week.

I highly recommend an online bank for starting a small business for speed alone.

When you start making more $ than you can switch to a physical branch of your local credit union

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.